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Point of Interests


Points of Interest (POI) can be imported into Intuizi’s console using csv files.

CSV File

The file to import should be in CSV format, and each field separated by a comma (,). Values within the fields such as latitude/longitude should contain dots (.) not commas. Specify the fields you want to import in the header row.

Header Fields

Key Value Data Type
store_id Custom Identifier per POI level (Optional) String(255)
name POI Name (Optional) String(255)
address1 Street Address of the POI (Optional) String(255)
address2 Street Address 2 of the POI (Optional) String(255)
city City of the POI (Optional) String(255)
state USA: State/province code of the POI. 2-3 letters ISO code. non-USA: Landmark associated with the POI (Optional) String(255)
zip_code Postal code of the POI. (USA: Numbers and hyphens only) (Optional) String(255)
dma_desc Designated Marketing Area of point of interest (USA) (Optional) String(255)
country|alpha_3 Country code by ISO 3166 Alpha-2 or Alpha-3. Valid flags: alpha_3, alpha_2 String(3)
longitude Longitude with up to 8 digits precision Double
latitude Latitude with up to 8 digits precision Double
polygon Polygon of the POI represented as Well-known text (WKT) TEXT
max_trade_area|miles Maximum distance to analyze from the centroid of the POI. (Optional) Valid flags: miles, meters Double
external_id Custom Identifier for the POI. (Optional) String(255)
master_id Custom Identifier for the POI. (Optional) String(255)
category_taxonomy The category taxonomy of the POI (Optional) String(255)
sub_category_taxonomy  The sub category taxonomy of the POI (Optional) String(255)
sqft The approximate square footage of the poi (Optional) Double

Example Data

Attached examples of the Top 10 NFL Stadiums in the United States. The following examples can be used as header templates.

Example File 1: top ten nfl stadiums in the usa all data

Example File 2: top ten nfl stadiums in the usa without polygons

Example File 3: top ten nfl stadiums in the usa required data only
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