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Origin Report


Origin Report offers a comprehensive analysis of individual signal-level anonymous mobility data. Tailored for your custom audience, this report provides insights into user mobility patterns while ensuring the utmost privacy and anonymity of the data subjects.


The file will be accessible via S3 credentials provided to you upon request. You may transfer the files to your local machine or to your preferred cloud for incorporation into your application, workflow or model.

Supported Countries

As of our current release, the Origin data stream specifically supports data originating from the following countries:

  • United States (USA) 
  • Great Britain (GBR)
  • Australia (AUS)
  • Mexico (MEX)
  • Canada (CAN)

These regional data streams have been curated to ensure compliance with local regulations and to maintain the integrity and relevance of the data for these territories.

Data Format

Key Value Data Type
eid Encrypted and Salted Mobile Ad Identifier String(255)
origin_cbg Unique identifier string that concatenates codes for the state, county, census tract, and block group to precisely define geographic locations. (USA Only) String
origin_zipcode Postal code indicating the specific geographical area of origin String
origin_city City from which the data or user originated. String
origin_county County name from which the EID originated String
origin_countyfips Unique identifier FIPS code for the origin county Integer
origin_state The state from which the EID originated String
origin_statefips Unique identifier FIPS code for the origin state Integer
origin_country 3 letter ISO code representing the country of the origin String
loc_name Location name of source location String(255)
loc_id Unique integer representing the physical location Integer
loc_brandid Unique integer representing the brand level Integer
loc_latitude Latitude of the location with up to 8 digits precision Double
loc_longitude Longitude of the location with up to 8 digits precision Double
loc_address1 Address of the location String(255)
loc_city City of the location String(255)
loc_state 2 or 3 letter state/province code of the location String(255)
loc_zipcode Postal code of the location String(255)
loc_country 3 letter ISO code representing the country of the location String(3)
year Signal’s timestamp by Year (YYYY) Integer
month Signal’s timestamp by Month (MM) Integer
day Signal’s timestamp by Day (DD) Integer
totalsignals Count of total signals of the EID by day Integer