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Visitation Details


The Visitation Detail Data Set is a individual signal level report of anonymous mobility data that includes Provider, LocationID, Encrypted Mobile Ad ID, Distance from Location centroid and timestamp of signal. This is report combines with the POI data set to generate the Visitation data sets.


The file will be accessible via S3 credentials provided to you upon request. You may transfer the files to your local machine or to your preferred cloud for incorporation into your application, workflow or model.

Example File

CSV Fields – Visitation Detail File

Key Value Data Type
provider Hashed persistent value of provider String(255)
brandID A unique integer representing the physical brand Integer
brandName Brand Name String(255)
locationID A unique integer representing the POI location Integer
locationName Location Name String(255)
locationLatitude Latitude of the POI location with up to 8 digits precision Double
locationLongitude Longitude of the POI location with up to 8 digits precision Double
latitudeAccuracy Latitude decimal degrees accuracy [1-8] Integer
longitudeAccuracy Longitude decimal degrees accuracy [1-8] Integer
eid Encrypted Mobile Ad Identifier String(255)
distance Distance in miles from centroid of LocationID Double
d_utc Human Readable time stamp of signal [YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s] Timestamp


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